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You asked about my love of... 


I believe that our recreational activities and passions are a powerful space for transformation.​

For you personally. For your circle of care. For your community. For the world.


To see just how in to this I am, tune in the the Recreation to Re~Creation Podcast.


Why wouldn't we start with what we love to do?

I have spent my life looking through this lens.

It has taken three different forms... so far!​​​​​​​




I have come to realise that recreation is a pivotal part of life, especially during times of transition.

Not only does having fun transform our experience of daily life, but it values being rather than doing.

This becomes increasingly important at end-of-life when we are less able to do & simply asked to be.​




I have chosen to see recreational activities as ways to shape my lifestyle & livelihood.

Creating businesses, not-for-profit initiatives and projects so I could live my passions everyday.

I'm still dedicated to this approach, continue to live my life this way & help others do the same.

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I have chosen to see recreational activities as ways to positively impact the world.

Using them as spaces through which to facilitate human connection to nature for it's protection.

I continue to honour this approach while shifting to connection to our inner nature as well. 




​You will find recreation woven in to all of my offerings because I believe fun is fundamental for well~being.


​​​I love helping people see the possibility in their passions ~ both personally & professionally.

If you want inspiration or to hear conversations with people doing the same ~ listen here.


If you are looking to re~create your relationship with recreation ~ whether personally or professionally...

Stay tuned as I am creating programs for that!


If you can't wait & want to explore what's possible ~ get in touch


Before you go... 

You're getting to know me now, so it won't be a surprise when I invite you to pause & reflect for a minute.


Some recreational activities stay with you your whole life.
Others only come in to serve you for a season.
All of them offer potential transformation.
Here's a really simple Re~Creation Tool to use that can help you begin the journey of re~creating your recreation...
If you could choose one sentence to summarise what your recreation has taught you ~ what would it be?
Here are some of my personal reflections using this tool...
SCUBA DIVING ~ it connects me to my breath & helps me explore an invisible part of the world I was missing out on
SAILING ~ it helps me slow down and realise there is so much I miss along the way when I am are rushing

RUNNING ~ that my strength lies in endurance rather than speed and good things can take time when needed
PADDLEBOARDING ~ it is integral to learn how to find balance in all areas your life and it is possible

Care to share?
Share your lessons & stories with the community


Soooo... I'm pretty much recreation's #1 fan.
It's super cool to be into what you're into.
Feeling ready to work together?

Let's get started!

Not sure yet?


Why do you offer free options as well as paid & why do you donate so much?

I want to know it all ~ take me wayyyy back!


Why should I learn meditation with you rather than the millions of other teachers... 

What are your certifications & experience... why should I trust you?


What kind of changes, choices & transitions have you experienced?


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